The Pharmacy Department oversees medication procurement, storage, dispensing, and utilization of medications at Daviess Community Hospital. With an on-site pharmaceutical team, patients and hospital staff have a convenient resource for medication information. We can also quickly provide patients with medication they may need to further their treatment, and can potentially supply a patient with their regular medication if they left theirs at home.
Hospital pharmacies are equipped with far more resources than most retail pharmacies. For patients with heavy medication requirements, our facility may be one of the few pharmacies in the area that can supply them with the more intense medication they need for their treatment. If at any point during your time with us you have a question about medication: how often you should take it, how much you should take at a time, possible side effects, etc., our pharmaceutical team will be more than happy to address your concerns.
Please call 812-254-8620 EXT 1391 if you have a question for the pharmacy department.