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Daviess Community Hospital Rolls Out 3D-Digital Mammography

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Daviess Community Hospital Rolls Out 3D-Digital Mammography

Daviess Community Hospital is pleased to announce that 3D Mammography is now available in Washington.

This advanced technology, also known as tomosynthesis or “tomo,” use the same x-ray technology as regular “2D” mammograms. The procedure is the same from the patient’s point-of-view, although it will take a few seconds longer. In both 3D and 2D mammograms, the breast is compressed between two plates. In 2D mammograms, which take images only from the front and side, this may create images with overlapping breast tissue. Because 3D mammography provides images of the breast in “slices” from many different angles, finding abnormalities and determining which abnormalities seem potentially worrisome may be easier with 3D tests.

The clinical benefits of 3D mammography are indisputable. Simply put, screening saves lives by identifying cancers earlier. Hologic’s 3D mammography exam has been clinically proven and FDA approved to detect 20 to 65 percent more invasive cancers, reduce unnecessary callbacks by up to 40 percent compared to 2D mammography, and is approved as superior for women with dense breasts compared to 2D alone.

While the benefits of 3D mammograms appear to be tiny for an individual woman, the benefits of the 3D test could add up for a large population of women. For example, a study examining over 44,000 screening tests, including over 28,000 3D mammograms, over 5 years found that 3D screening detected significantly smaller invasive breast cancers (about 1.5 cm (about ½ inch) vs. 2.3 cm (about 1 inch). And, the cancers that were detected by 3D tests were less likely to have spread to the lymph nodes (about 15% vs. 31%). (Source: Neal, C. and Philpotts, L. (2017). Breast Imaging (Multimodality Screening and Breast Density). Accessed from Finding a cancer that is smaller and hasn’t spread to the lymph nodes means that a woman would require less aggressive treatment of her cancer, such as less radical surgery and fewer chances of needing chemotherapy.

“Adding the 3D imaging really gives us the opportunity to provide our community with the best screening tool available," said Heather Decker, Director of Imaging Services at DCH.

The 3D test takes a few seconds longer than 2D digital or film mammography (adding a few seconds of discomfort). The newer, low-dose 3D mammography uses less radiation than a 2D mammography.

Sharon Mead, a two-time breast cancer survivor and the DCH Cancer Patient Navigator, says that the purchase of the 3D technology is especially meaningful. “Cancer is a devastating diagnosis, but what people don’t realize is the wait for the diagnosis can be excruciating,” she says. “Everyone has been touched in some way by a loved one diagnosed with breast cancer. This technology will ensure that all moms, sisters, daughters and wives have access to the best technology without having to travel.”

To schedule an appointment for a 3D mammogram at Daviess Community Hospital, please call 812-254-9324.